Twisting, Balancing, and Backbending

In this class you need blocks, a blanket, and a strap. We start out with hip glides to prepare the hips for the warm up, this new start really seems to make a difference for people, I am so excited about it. From there we warm up the whole body. In standing we really get into side body opening, check out how your breathing feels. Then we work into deeper twists and balancing poses. At the end of class we try out a few backbends, all the twisting can really free the spine. This class was filmed live October 3, 2023.

Side Body Opening and Twisting

In this class you will need a blanket, bolster, strap, blocks and wall space. We start out side lying to open up the armpit side rib area. We continue to find side body opening and thoracic rotation in different ways through out class. By the end we try out some backbends and they might feel a little easier than usual from all the prep work we did. This class was filmed live October 2, 2023.

Ankles, Knees, and Hips

For this class you need some space at the wall and blocks and a blanket. We start off warming up the hips in all fours and then move to legs up the wall. This slow easeful start helps us work more into our hips. We then move to standing and work on ankle mobility. We end with some work in half squats. This class was filmed live September 26, 2023.

Hamstring Strengthening with Sliding Class 2

For this class you will need a slider like a blanket or towel (or paper plates if you are on carpet). We start out laying down and work on strength and stability in the legs and hips and then do more sliding work standing. This practice is strengthening and we leave extra time to rest and stretch out at the end. This class was filmed live Sept 19, 2023

Hamstring Strengthening with Sliding

In this class you need a towel for sliding work (or paper plates if you are on carpet). We start out warming up lying down, eccentrically contracting the hamstrings with sliding work. We then work towards more strengthening work in bridge pose with the feet elevated on a chair. All this strength work helps support our series of standing poses. This class was filmed live Sept 18, 2023.

Shoulder Focused Flow

For this class you need two firm blocks or hard-covered books and an option light hand weight. We start out with a slow warm up for the shoulders while reclining and then take the moves into different orientations to gravity to see how this impacts the experience and strength needed. See how dolphin pose feels at the end of the practice. This class was filmed live August 28, 2023.